A user-friendly transfer process at Holstein Canada makes it convenient for updating an animal’s ownership. Ownership updates result in progeny being recorded in the correct ownership with the corresponding prefix assigned. Consequently, recognition is credited to the correct prefix (breeder and owner) i.e. production awards, Master Breeder awards and show awards. Proper ownership transfers also allow for the proper tracking of an animal's movement through a well-kept paper trail and inbreeding and loss of purebred status is avoided.
4 Ways to File an Animal Ownership Transfer
- E-Transfer: Sign up for Holstein Canada’s Online Services to submit ownership transfer information online.
- Fax: Complete the Application to Transfer Animal Ownership on the reverse side of the Certificate of Registry and fax to Holstein Canada's Herdbook & Genotyping department at 519-756-3502.
- Mail: Complete the Application to Transfer Animal Ownership on the reverse side of the Certificate of Registry and mail to Holstein Canada, Box number 610, Brantford Ontario, N3T 5R4
- Telephone: Contact Holstein Canada Customer Service at 1-855-756-8300 at ext. 410.
Animal Transfer (Add $1 per animal to mail to a different address).
If you are submitting transfers on behalf of others, in addition to having access to an Online Services account, you must be an Accredited Filing Business or an accredited sales business.
Contact Holstein Canada's Customer Service department at 1-855-756-8300 ext. 410 for further information.