Holstein Canada's National Judging Program
Canada is internationally recognized for our training and development
program, which helps judges learn how to properly evaluate dairy cattle.
Canada’s judging program has garnered many great judges and ambassadors for
the Canadian dairy industry both in North America and abroad.
Canada’s judging program has been shared with many other countries who
consider Canada’s judging program a gold standard in how to develop judges
to ensure animals at shows are being properly evaluated to match the
desirable modern-day kind of dairy cattle that all farmers like to milk.
Holstein Canada works with provincial branches to execute provincial judging
programs that are consistent and uniformed across Canada to ensure a
uniformed national judging program. Currently, there are 180 judges across
Canada who belong to the National Judge’s List that is managed by Holstein
Canada. The following pages below outline the general details of Canada’s
National Judging program.
Holstein Canada's National Judging Conference
The National Judging Conference is a world-class training and development
event offered to Holstein Canada judges to help further develop and promote
judges across Canada. While each provincial branch holds evaluation clinics
and judging conferences each year, Holstein Canada holds a National Judging
Conference every three years. The Conference provides both an in-class
session and practical judging session so judges can be trained on matters
relating to judging practices in the ring and then the following day, put
into action, what they were taught as they judge and are marked in a
practical judging setting. Only a select number of judges are chosen each
Conference to attend based on their level of expertise and experience as an
Official Judge in Canada.
Goals of the National Judging Conference:
- Have a truly ‘national’ focus
- Have judges make a commitment to their craft and invest in their judging
- Attendance is mandatory for both the in-class session and practical
judging session
- Provide mentorship opportunities for all levels of judges
- Hold first-class event that is enjoyed by judges personally and
International Judging Program
Holstein Canada works with the Federal Government through the Agri-Marketing
Program (AMP) to offer opportunities for Canadian judges to officiate abroad
in foreign countries. Over the years, Canada has sent over 50 judges to more
than 100 countries to evaluate and judge dairy cattle. Canadian judges have
become well-respected and knowledgeable resources for international
countries on not only judging practices, but management practices that
Canadian dairy farmers use on-farm and in showing other countries how to
prepare animals for the show ring.
Selection of Judges
Judges are given international judging assignment opportunities based on
their official judging status; their judging experience throughout Canada;
their score(s) received at a National Judging Conference and provincial
judging schools/evaluation clinics; and their knowledge and ability to be an
Ambassador for Holstein Canada and the Canadian dairy industry.
Before leaving on an international judging assignment, all judges are
provided with an international judging package that outlines the
expectations and requirements of judging abroad, as well as what to expect
in the country they will be officiating in.
All judges are also provided with a custom-made powerpoint presentation in
the case that they are asked to do a presentation that provides an overview
of the Canadian dairy industry and information on Holstein Canada programs
and services. Judges are also provided with promotional material from
Holstein Canada to give to breeders while on their travels.