Welcome, Junior Member! Thanks for taking part in this initiative for future Holstein producers across Canada. We’ve got some special perks for you, including:
- Holstein Canada membership! This lets you take part in Holstein Canada services, get preferred fees for Registrations, and gain access to awesome learning and training opportunities.
- Junior Members also have the ability to start their own new prefix or share in their family’s prefix. You can start achieving all your Holstein dreams early!
- Once they’ve signed up, Junior Members will receive an introductory New Members kit with a loyalty gift and bimonthly issues of InfoHolstein.
Prefix Sharing
Holstein Canada gives each new member a unique herd prefix. The member uses their prefix exclusively, and you can get one for yourself with a Junior Membership. However, membership also lets you share your family’s prefix if the prefix owner gives their permission. This makes it easy for you to achieve your herd goals!
The owner of a prefix can give members of the immediate family use of their prefix, but the prefix sharer must be a member of Holstein Canada. That’s where a Junior Membership comes in: you get an opportunity to use Holstein Canada services to make important herd management decisions. Just have the prefix holder sign the appropriate portion of the Junior Member application form in order to extend the prefix!
Questions? Check out our
FAQs here and apply to be a Junior Member today!
Junior Membership Application
Stay tuned for an udderly exciting experience with HOLSTEIN CANADA’S DAIRY YOUTH INITIATIVE
Get ready for fun activities designed to celebrate and support our future dairyfarmers.