Halifax is known for its lively night-life, world class museums, attractions and of course local food and spirits. Visit www.discoverhalifaxns.com to learn more about how to make the most of your visit to Halifax.
Where do you come from? Scotiabank Family History Centre: Our main focus is on locating immigration records that fall between 1865 and 1935. Prior to 1865 there was no systematic record keeping which kept track of the immigrants entering the country, though there are a few odd passenger lists that survive from this period.Regardless of where your ancestor came from, if you know the date of arrival or the name of the ship, we can provide you with a ship information package which typically includes ship facts, oral histories, and a list of crossings. We currently have information on approximately 90 percent of the immigrant ships that stopped in Halifax. Most of these ships also called on other Canadian ports, and we are continuously expanding our resources to include any missing ships.

Dairy Focus Tradeshow
April 1-2, 2025 | Westin Nova Scotian
Vendors will be on-site Tuesday and Wednesday to promote various products and answer your questions. Make this dairy targeted tradeshow part of your Convention plans.
Setting a goal and visualizing his future kept Aaron Volpatti going when he burned 40% of his body with second and third degree burns when he was 19. Aaron's passion and love of hockey came to what others thought would be an abrupt halt in 2005, but his determination continued, ultimately leading him to a 5-year career playing professional hockey. His journeys and successes wouldn't have been possible without his determination and the extremely powerful visualization practice he developed.
Aaron has a truly inspiring story of overcoming a tremendous amount of adversity. His hockey career, post-secondary studies, and personal experiences led Aaron to develop his unique practice. Today, he is dedicated to teaching others how to find their true grit through visualization.

Farm Tours
Thursday, April 3, 2024
Nova Scotia producers are anxious to open their doors to visitors during convention - there is nothing they like to do more than talk cows, management, and equipment with other producers! Our tours range from first to multigenerational farms, from family owned to multi-partner enterprises, from tie-stalls to free-stalls. Nova Scotia is pleased to feature Master Breeder herds and some of the top managed herds in Canada. There is something to interest everyone & always opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and conversation. Two tours will also feature a stop at Coldstream Clear Distillery, a quickly growing local enterprise with close ties to our Atlantic dairy industry. Join the tour to find out more!